With the 20th aniverstity of the Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy let us all remeber the brave souls of Apollo One, Space Shuttle Challenger, and Colombia.
Apollo One crew: Command Pilot (Lieutinant Colonel USAF) Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Pilot (Lieutnant Colonel USAF) Edward H. White, and Pilot (Lieutinant Commander, USN) Roger B. Chaffee.
Space Shuttle Challenger crew: Commander Francis "Dick" R. Scobee, Pilot (Captain, USN) Micheal J. Smith, Mission Specialist Dr. Judith A. Resnik, Mission Specialist (Lieutinant Colonel, USAF) Ellison S. Onizuka, Mission Specialist Dr. Ronald E. McNair, Payload Specialist Gregory B. Jarvis, and Payload Specialist (Teacher In Space) Sharon Christa McAuliffe.
Space Shuttle Colombia crew: Mission Commander (Col USAF) Rick Husband, Pilot (Commander USN) William "Willie" McCool, Mission Specialist (Captain USN) David Brown, Mission Specialist Kalpana Chawla, Payload Commander (Lieutinant Colonel, USAF) Micheal Anderson, Mission Specialist (Captain, USN) Laurel Salton Clark, and Payload Specialist (Colonel, Israeli Air Force) Ilan Ramon.
Let us remember these brave souls who lost there lives in the pursuit of the great mysteries of the "Undiscovered Country."
Saturday, January 28, 2006
The Story of Christ and Superman.
My studies of the story and life of Christ and the comic superhero Superman has caused me to discover some similarities. To start at the beginning both Christ and Kal-El (Superman, Clark Kent) were sent to Earth by their fathers when they were very young children. Also they were raised as humans by good and humble parents. They both lived their lives like normal human beings. But as they began to age they realized that they indeed were different and that they were put on this Earth for a reason.
The both exibited super-human/supernatural abilities. Clark Kent started to show extraordinary abilities like enhanced hearing, sight, x-ray vision, superhuman strenghth and speed, the ability to project laser like beams from his eyes, unpenetratable skin, and flight. Although Christ did not have any superhuman abilities forsey he did possess extreme supernatural abilities, his ability to perform miracles has not yet been seen again. Also one super-human ability that he has was an extraordinary ability to sustain pain.
Finally I believe that God saw that mankind wants to be great people but the only thing that they lacked was the light to show the way, "For He so loved the world that He gave His only beggotten Son. To become a Living Sacfrifice" Jor-El saw mankind in the same way so in his own words "Even though you've been raised as a human being you're not one of them. They can be a great people Kal-El. They wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all their capacity for good, I sent them you... my only son."
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